Troglodyte society is divided into tribes. The number appearing shown above is for a single tribe. Troglodytes have superior 90' Darkvision, and do not suffer any penalties for fighting in daylight.
They are typically unarmed, but a few may carry javelins to throw. A group of these creatures may contain leaders who fight as Bugbears, and a chief is even more powerful.
In battle Troglodytes emit a stench in a 20ft radius which is so disgusting that humans and demi-humans within its area of effect must pass a saving throw vs. poison or lose 1d6 points of Strength. The Strength lost returns 1d6 rounds after the Troglodyte which caused it is slain.
Troglodytes speak their own tongue and their alignment tongue but no others. They generally live for approximately 40 years.