Troll society is divided into bands. The number appearing shown above is for a single band. Trolls have superior 90' Darkvision, and do not suffer any penalties for fighting in daylight.
They are typically armed with huge swords, clubs or axes. A group of these creatures may contain leaders who fight as Hill Giants, and a chief is even more powerful.
Three combat rounds after a Troll takes damage, it begins to regenerate at the rate of 3hp per round. Even death or dismemberment will not prevent this, and a slain Troll (no matter how damaged) will reform into a whole creature inside 3d6 melee rounds.
However, Trolls do not regenerate damage from acid or fire, and thus only acid or fire may be used to kill them.
Trolls speak their own tongue and their alignment tongue but no others. They generally live at least 90 years.