Orcish society is divided into tribes, with the tribes being further subdivided into clans. The number appearing shown above is for a single clan. Like Goblins, Orcs are nocturnal, and have 60' Darkvision but suffer a -1 penalty from their attack rolls in any light equivalent to full daylight or brighter.
They are typically armed with scimitars. A group of these creatures may contain leaders who fight as Hobgoblins or even Gnolls, and a chief is even more powerful.
Orcs hate elves and will usually attack these foes first if given a choice of targets. They are miners of fair aptitude, but dislike work and will much prefer to capture slaves to do any heavy labour.
Orcs speak their own tongue, their alignment tongue, and the languages of Goblins, Hobgoblins and Ogres. They generally live to the age of approximately 60 years.