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Ring of Fire Resistance

TYPE: Ring

Only two magical rings may be worn by any character at once (one on each hand); a third ring, or a ring on a toe or earlobe, would not function as a magical ring at all.

The innate magic resistance of gnomes, dwarfs and halflings can sometimes interfere with magical rings. A ring worn by such a character has a 20% chance per use of malfunctioning.

The ring of fire resistance confers immunity to normal fire. Large and exceptionally hot magical fires (such as red dragon breath or a fireball) still cause damage, but the wearer of the ring gets a +4 modifier to his or her saving throw rolls, and all damage dice are rolled at -2 (although each die can never be less than 1 damage).


Certain other magic items duplicate the effect of a ring of fire resistance, often having other powers in addition (example: the frost brand sword).
