Written Permission: The following statement constitutes the "Written Permission" mentioned in paragraph 7 of the Open gaming License.
You may indicate that your material is "Compatible with OSRIC". You need not ask permission from anyone first.
Please do not re-create someone else's intellectual property using OSRIC. The Old School modules and supplements are off limits. Make sure that anything you write for OSRIC is new material.
To help you, we have provided certain sample creatures on this site. (These are linked from the index page). You may use these as templates with which to create your own creatures, and you may copy, use and distribute the stat blocks.
We have also provided certain sample magic items. (Again, these are linked from the index page). You may use these as templates for creating your own magic items. You may copy, use and distribute the stat blocks.
You must make sure that you have complied with the Open Gaming License. You must also make sure that you have complied with the OSRIC License. Include a copy of both Licenses in your work. Do not change the text of these Licenses in any way.
You should consider asserting your own copyright by writing (c) (Your name) (The year) on the product.
When you have written your material, you may wish to convert it to a .pdf. OSRIC's authors recommend Open Office as a good quality, free program with which to do this.
You will also need to find web hosting. Dragonsfoot will sometimes agree to host good quality, free old school material and the authors suggest approaching them first. I'm afraid OSRIC's authors will not host your material for you.
The next page describes how to create material for sale.